
Purchase Structured Settlements To Increase Your Cash Flow Notes Portfolio

Note investors who purchase structured settlements have long known how this sector of the cash flow notes business can greatly increase the bottom line of your company. Most note buying companies focus exclusively on mortgage notes in the commercial and residential note markets. The real estate note market is lucrative, no doubt, but by diversifying and allowing your company to branch out into other areas of the market, you will effectively double your company’s income producing capabilities.

When your purchases structured settlements such as lawsuit judgments awarded to victims who have been injured or hurt by another party, your company offers them a lump sum of cash at a discount for the balance of the payments. By providing the note holder with a lump sum of cash, you are providing much needed cash that is usually needed for important financial needs. As is often the case, many people that are awarded judgments when the lawsuit is won in their favor, very often find the monthly installments are not enough to meet the financial needs of their family.

Personal injuries suffered as the result of malpractice, accidents or various other reasons are most often very large awards and the courts allow the payments to setup in installments over a set period of time. These time periods can be a series of months, years or in some cases, over the lifetime of the lawsuit winner. Although this type of structured settlement equates to guaranteed income, in many cases this income does not replace the income the person made while working a full time job as before the injury.

If the awarded judgment and subsequent structured settlement is large, many times the award winner prefers to receive all their money at once. Unfortunately, the terms of the award (judgment) do not allow for a lump sum payment so the person will seek out the services of a company such as yours to facilitate a lump sum payment when you purchase structured settlements.

Whatever their reasons for needing or wanting a lump sum payment, your company can be there to offer services for people in such situations. In some cases the structured settlement may have been in place for sometime and has been sufficient in meeting family needs. However, one thing we can count as a constant and this is change. Family financial needs change. Kids may need college tuition, bigger housing may be needed as family grows. Another bread winner in the household may have become disabled and unable to work. Whatever the case, the structured settlement may need to be converted to a lump sum payment to better fit the family financial plan.

As you can see, from a cash flow note buyer’s point of view, when your company open up other avenues of income streams such purchasing structured settlements, you increase the potential for an exceptional increase in your company’s bottom line. When you purchase structured settlements and add them to your cash flow notes portfolio, you are not only diversifying your portfolio, but also making your company stronger.

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